When did you start making music and why? I started playing the violin when I was four because my grandpa also played and I thought it was cool. But it wasn't until high school that I got into making electronic music.
Sum up your musical sound in four words? Submerged, internal, murky, quiet.
If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? Yellow House by Grizzly Bear, because every time I listen to it there is something I haven't noticed before. There are so many interesting sounds layered in all the songs.
Greatest rock'n'roll moment of your career to date? Not applicable yet.
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Why should people come and see your band? I'm always trying new stuff live so it's always exciting and scary for me and hopefully interesting for the audience.
When and where are your next gigs? 13 May, Kew Court House. I'm playing with Braille Face and Lucy Roleff for Spirit Level.
Website link for more info? facebook.com/events/1257261151036142/