Have You Heard: EC76

16 December 2016 | 10:36 am | Artist Submission

Artist/Band: EC76

Name: Simon Sleiman

When did you start making music and why? I started writing music when I was 17. i always had a passion for music and didn't really know I had it in me until the past couple of years. 

Sum up your musical sound in four words? Alternative punk funk rock 

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If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? Radiohead's OK Computer to me is just the perfect album. It satisfies a lot of things I expect from an album. Each listen just feels like the first time, can never get bored with it. 

Greatest rock'n'roll moment of your career to date? As lame as it sounds. Just being able to play in front of a crowd and share our music with people. 

Why should people come and see your band? We have a lot to offer our audience, a lot of variety that I think people would appreciate. 

When and where are your next gigs? We are headlining at the Brunswick Hotel on Tuesday, 20 December. 

Website link for more info? https://www.facebook.com/EC76band/