EP Focus: Riley Pearce

17 February 2016 | 3:05 pm | Artist Submission

"This EP was largely inspired by a six-month stint spent living in Montana. Themes of snow, loved ones and self-journeys."

More Riley Pearce More Riley Pearce

EP title? Outside The Lines

How many releases do you have now? Two EPs.

Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? This EP was largely inspired by a six-month stint spent living in Montana. Themes of snow, loved ones and self-journeys.

What's your favourite song on it? Brave is my favourite in how the production turned out but Circles is probably my favourite song

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We'll like this EP if we like... Ben Howard, James Bay, Boy & Bear.

When and where is your launch/next gig? The EP launch is at Rosemount Hotel on 26 February and I'll be joined by Oakland, Teischa and Eloise Ashton.

Website link for more info? rileypearce.com.au