"A lot of life's curve balls and how to deal with them knowing everything will be alright."
Answered by: Sam Rees
EP title? Mild Manic
How many releases do you have now? This is our second release. We released our debut single Mary Does Jane around this time last year.
Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? The EP explores a lot of different feelings and inspirations... moving away from comfort to follow dreams, mainly. A lot of life's curve balls and how to deal with them knowing everything will be alright.
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What's your favourite song on it? Quasong. This track out of the lot has the most meaning and story. It shows us as a whole.
We'll like this EP if we like... It has been said we have sounds like Minus The Bear, The Kooks, Kings Of Leon. If you surf or skate and love a party this could be your dinner.
When and where is your launch/next gig? We are right in the middle of our east coast tour... next up is our Melbourne launch at The Workers Club on 22 Nov.
Website link for more info? facebook.com/mildmanic