
26 March 2015 | 2:24 pm | Staff Writer

More Aunty Donna More Aunty Donna

Can you  give us a tweet-length summary of your show? Zane brained lolz aplenty #MICF #ACMIDANCEPARTY #HUNGRYSAM #BAZINGA #BABINGBINGBONG #GETTHECHILDRENOUTOFTHEK

What do you find funny? How some people call them honey crackles and other honey joys or potato cakes and potato scallops. Why can’t we all just get along?

What do you find unfunny? How some people call them honey crackles and other honey joys or potato cakes and potato scallops. Why can’t we all just get along?

What’s a ridiculous situation you’ve been in that you got a joke out of? One time, Dad came home grumpy from work and couldn’t decide if he wanted Chicken Tonight or Kantong for dinner. Man it was funny.

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Do you have a pre-show ritual? Yes we do.

Website link for more info?

WHEN & WHERE 26 Mar — 19 Apr, ACMI

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