Art Starter: Kevin Khachan

29 January 2013 | 5:30 am | Staff Writer

A chat with film producer Kevin Khachan.

What film do you wish you had made?
Wow that's a good question and one not easily answered. I guess you are kind of asking me what is my favourite film? I have so many films that I love but when it comes to a film I wish I had made, the answer is Jaws. Without a doubt that would be the film that has from a child inspired me to become a filmmaker and if it were possible I wish I could have made it. The film stands the test of time and even now brings a sense of fear to beachgoers all over the world. I have said this before and I stand by my statement: Jaws would work as a silent film and would have the same impact if not more than it does now. Yeah, I wish I was the creator of that fear.

What film do you wish had never been made?
Ha-ha that's easy – Cool As Ice.

What film is your guilty pleasure?
Again an easy question to answer – Spies Like Us.

What was the most valuable thing you took away from studying at SAE?
The most valuable thing I took from SAE was to keep an open mind and do what you want anyway.

What's the biggest challenge about being an associate producer?
Well, the challenge of being an associate producer is being an associate producer, wanting to help but being limited by either skill or time to do more than what you are. Also for me being an associate producer in this film means that I am able to work closely with an amazing director (Dean Francis), on a very important film of our time.

Where do you see cinema going in the future?
Cinema is heading for a bleak future; with the advent of more and more affordable cameras and equipment, films are looking better then ever. It's more affordable to make a film now more than ever. Yes they look great but they are lacking substance; story is suffering and I think that needs to be addressed or cinema will be the Internet's ugly cousin.

WHAT: Drown
WHEN & WHERE: In production