Album Focus: The Dead Maggies

20 November 2015 | 4:34 pm | Artist Submission

"Come next time, I'm sure we would have written new songs. So any future releases will definitely have different songs on it to this one."

Album title: Well Hanged

Where did the title of your new album come from? From a Tasmanian history themed drinking game at Fractangular Festival last summer... Well Hanged speaks for itself, and balances out the more serious tagline: "Sex, Lies & Genocide; A History of Van Diemen's Land".

How many releases do you have now? We released a mini-album Sing About Dead People two years ago. This is our second release and first full-length album. We've also released a couple of video singles from Well Hanged.

How long did it take to write/record? 200 years of history went into this baby; it took about two years of gigging, drinking and writing to pull together, and then about three months to record. But really we were just born to be Well Hanged.

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Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? Everything is inspiration. But the parallels between the treatment of humans by the then invading government and the treatment of humans on Australia's borders now put a whole heap of fire into our songs. This is history. It is also now.

What's your favourite song on it? All of them.

Will you do anything differently next time? Come next time, I'm sure we would have written new songs. So any future releases will definitely have different songs on it to this one.

When and where is your launch/next gig? NSW: 26 Nov at Factory Floor with Crooked Fiddle; 27 Nov at The Swamp, Newcastle.

VIC: Reverence Hotel, 28 Nov; Open Studio, 29 Nov.

Website link for more info: