5 UNDER 500 November Edition

20 November 2015 | 11:00 pm | Liam Apter
Originally Appeared In

The songs to know from bands you might not know..

A lot of acts that you read about on music websites - the hot/upcoming/buzz-worthy articles - come from a press release, with the authors sent a lot of awesome new music and having to sift through for the good stuff. With that in mind we thought we'd go on a little hunt through the online realm to try and find a few acts that haven't broken over the 500-Like mark (because like it or not, the number of FB likes you've accrued can play a role in the amount of online love you'll receive). So we hope 5 UNDER 500 will bring to your attention a few emerging acts, who are under 500 likes on Facebook, and whose sounds we are very much digging.

Hermitude - Ukiyo (Aela Kae Remix)

Hermitude's Ukiyo oozes nostalgia and Aela Kae's remix adds dreamy overtones that even from the first listen fills you with longing. The track came out of Hermitude's remix competition with triple j Unearthed to see who could craft the best re-work of Ukiyo. While Aela Kae wasn't the winner, she easily could have been, it shows off her deft skills as a producer. There's many ways of doing remixes, in my personal opinion, I'm a big fan of the completely original twist but Aela Kae just tweaks the song gently to create a new mood within the track. And it's those subtle yet precise touches that make out the track stand out in my eyes. And with Pilerats being long-term supporters of Aela Kae it's only fair she appears on our latest 5 UNDER 500. 

Follow Aela Kae: FACEBOOK

Aria Wood - Australia Day

Now sure Tinder is a general clusterfuck of a place but I've found it can be a potential goldmine for new music in particular Aria Wood's track Australia Day. Wreathed in reverb the song is otherwise very raw with sparse drums and agonised guitar riffs. But it has this sharp ability to slide from a desolate soundscape into striking off-kilter pop. This happens when the sharp drums stutter in and Wood's voice rolls to the front of the mix as if she is speaking to you. But then at the same time as a listener you feel like you've slipped into a deeply personal part of Wood's mind when she quietly murmurs the lyrics. There's definitely talent here. 

Follow Aria Wood: FACEBOOK

Asdasfr Bawd - Negative Energy 

With possibly the most unprounceable name in the music business game in Australia Asdafr Bawd is making waves with his mix up of footwork / dustep / general good times. Negative Energy is the second track of Asdafr Bawd's second EP Underpass but it isn't the first time Pilerats have written about the wunderman and it definitely won't be the last. Negative Energy isn't exactly headphone music, it's a vocal sample of the title looped in a variety of pitches, but rather a thumping track you'd sweat yourself crazy to in a club at 2am. And that's perfectly fine because one song can't fit every scenario indeed I wouldn't play Adele's Hello at 2am in a club because everyone would probably fall into a puddle of emotions. And no one needs that at 2am.

Follow Asdasfr Bawd: FACEBOOK

S L O W - At Midnight

At Midnight is an undeniable hit. It's got the smoky, seductive voice, a smooth as hell chorus and of course hand claps. Consiting of Cal Young, who has his own killer solo project called KOWL, and Calyspo Brown S L O W is probably one of the most exciting things to come out of Hobart, let alone Tasmania this year. Indeed, when you think about Tasmania from a collective Australian point of view sheep jokes tend to come to mind. S L O W's At Midnight could potentially be the paradigm shift for Tasmania as it's one of the more sleek pop songs to come from a new Australian act all year. At Midnight comes from S L O W's S L OW EP and it isn't the only cracker on there with the other stand out track being Shook because of it's Rufusesque vibes.


East Of Here (pictured) - Don't Need You

Alright alright I know East Of Here are at 505 likes but at the time of writing this they weren't so I'm just going to write about their latest track Don't Need You and you're going to appreciate it. It's also the name of their recently released EP which you can listen to HERE. But back to Don't Need You, it's a sort of no frills track where East Of Here aren't pulling unexpected punches but just making a sleek song reminiscent of the late 2000s and early 2010s jangly indie rock scene. I mean you have it all, the clean vocals, jangly guitars, light reverb doused over the track and sharp drums. But that doesn't take away from it's majesty at all, rather it strengthens its place an Australian musical canon that burnt out too quickly. East Of Here are also having an EP launch on November 26 at the Brighton Up Bar and you should be there if you live in Sydney. 

Follow East Of Here: FACEBOOK / BANDCAMP