Mark Hebblewhite expects very little to change in 2014.
Top Ten Albums
1. Warbrain - Void Of Confusion
2. Black Sabbath - 13
3. Outsiders Code - Exiled From Birth
4. Hail Of Bullets - III: The Rommel Chronicles
5. Off With Their Heads! - HOme
6. Bad Religion - True North
7. Motorhead - Aftershock
8. Nails - Abandon All Life
9. Night Birds - Born To Die In Suburbia
10. Integrity - Suicide Black Snake
Top Three Miscellaneous Albums
1. Toe To Toe - Still Fighting
2. Cold Ground - We Make Us Sick
3. Rust Proof - S/T
Top Five Songs
1. Bad Religion - Robin Hood In Reverse
2. Placebo - Loud Like Love
3. Off With Their Heads! - Start Walking
4. Black Sabbath - Methademic
5. Audrey Horne - Redemption Blues
Artist Of The Year
1. Black Sabbath
2. Bad Religion
3. Motorhead
4. Warbrain
5. Iron Mind
Best Five International Artist Performances
1. Black Breath
2. Descendents
3. Black Sabbath
4. Ghost
5. Orange Goblin
Best Five Australian Artist Performances
1. Warbrain
2. Toe To Toe
3. Mindsnare
4. Vigilante
5. Boneless
Top Five TV Shows
1. Breaking Bad
2. Boardwalk Empire
3. Game Of Thrones
4. House Of Cards
5. Borgen
Top Five Films
1. Before Midnight
2. Silver Linings Playbook
3. Thor: The Dark World
4. Man Of Steel
5. The Hunt
Top Five Websites
1. Mediaite
2. Politico
3. metal sucks
4. Rest Assured
5. new york times
The Highlight Of 2013
Finishing my never ending PHD thesis - and seeing Black Sabbath
Prediction For 2014
More of the same - the more things change the more they stay the same....