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After the addictive surf-rock we’d just experienced from Go Violets, a lady taking her clothes off just seems weird.
Perhaps most impressive though is how Wainwright manages to swing her hips so wildly, whilst keeping her guitar perfectly still and singing at the same time.
"Anyone can jump up and have a go – anyone can play with us. Members of the community can jump up and have a go, and there is a wider community of artists who come and join us sometimes."
At one point he had the audience laughing so hard at their own laughter there was no telling when the cycle would end. Precise, intelligent and hilarious.
Despite the random and ridiculous nature of this show, to Simmons’ credit it was controlled and considered.
After the last notes ring out, an invigorated audience spill out of the Spiegeltent aware of life’s tragic potential but more than ready for it.
Although some of the shifts in sound are quite jarring and the changes in musical styles don’t quite gel, overall this is a remarkable piece.
We leave invigorated and elated, buoyed by a crowd and still laughing at the memory of a crowd-surfing ninja.
An engaging, heartwarming and stimulating show.
It does take a little while to get accustomed to Greenway’s style and the conventions of the world he creates, but the set-ups you are given in the first half really pay off in the second.