Album Review: Young The Giant - Home Of The Strange

5 August 2016 | 3:49 pm | Carley Hall

"Their recent lean towards a more polished, electro sound flips the tender, warm[er] moments... a tad cold."

More Young The Giant More Young The Giant

Californian five-piece Young The Giant came bursting out of the blocks with 2011 single Apartment, bringing the sultry croons of singer Sameer Gadhia to our attention with some raw guitars and an upbeat garage band vibe.

Things have changed slightly on third album Home Of The Strange. While Gadhia continues to impress with his charismatic warble throughout, but more particularly on sharp, atmospheric opener Amerika and the sparse, noodley Titus Was Born, there are times where their recent lean towards a more polished, electro sound flips the tender, warm moments of Elsewhere, Repeat and Art Exhibit a tad cold.