BLOC PARTY - Performing Silent Alarm and The Greatest Hits

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8 August 2025 starting 8:00 am

How much?

From: $127.57
To: $127.57



Approximate Running Times: Gates - 6:00 pm Start - TBC Finish - 10:00 pm Children's Policy: Children 12 years old & under MUST be accompanied by a paying adult. Accompaniment by a paying adult is recommended for children between the ages of 13 & 15 years old. All patrons must hold a valid ticket REGARDLESS OF AGE - this includes babes in arms! .

Please Note:

Seating: General Admission seating means sitting on the ground. (most of Riverstage is GRASSED AREA on a gentle slope) Bad Weather Policy: Riverstage is an outdoor amphitheatre. If rain or bad weather occurs, the show will proceed, unless deemed unsafe to do so. No refunds will be authorised unless the event is cancelled.

Ticket Limit Info:

A ticket limit of 10 per customer applies.