Yianni Agisilaou: The Un-Pinchable Pink Pen

11 March 2017 | 2:26 pm | Chris Komorek

"Agisilaou cleverly manages to disrupt your way of thinking."

Yianni Agisilaou's The Un-Pinchable Pink Pen is a well-constructed hour of witty commentary that challenges the social norms. Norms like calling something you don't like gay, or feeling like you can't express your emotions because you're a man.

That's right, this performance really doesn't shy away from anything (if it did, it'd probably just be Agisilaou complaining for an hour).

Agisilaou cleverly manages to disrupt your way of thinking, encouraging you down the rabbit hole only to pivot at the last minute, leaving you stranded and feeling rather foolish. While it isn't side-splitting laughter, it is clever and it will make you reconsider what you think and know about society.

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