"It’s brilliant in its own delicate mastery."
It’s not often a band is able to release an album so engagingly unique and brilliant at storytelling that it causes you to throw aside preconceptions of successful music characteristics, sit back and deeply open your mind to it.
For Connecticut emo group TWIABP, surpassing the hype of their debut album Whenever, If Ever was a huge task, however the growing nine-piece have delved deeper into the elements which stood them out from the pack including unpredictable structures, gripping lyrics and appropriate builds. Whilst the lengthy run time could easily be shorten by removing a couple of less impactful tracks, there is an endless blend of diverse songs to keep listeners intrigued.
Lead single, January 10th 2014, which details Diana, ‘the hunter of bus drivers’, who sought justice for many murdered females, is an encapsulating story featuring brilliant back and forth vocals between David Bellow and Katie Shanholtzer-Dvorak, whilst heartbreaking track, Haircuts For Everybody, is a flood of haunting quotes. Harmlessness isn’t a ground-breaking album for its catchiness or its ability to build on an entirely new field within the emo-genre; it’s brilliant in its own delicate mastery which is difficult to define yet easy to get lost in.
Originally published in X-Press Magazine
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