Live Review: Mau Power

25 February 2015 | 4:43 pm | Louise Horobin

Unique lyrical storytelling from Australian artist fusing Indigenous music and hip hop.

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A hot sticky night in Adelaide called for The Gov as the place to be on Friday night.

As part of The Gov’s Adelaide Fringe 2015 season Mau Power showcased his record The Show Will Go On. As a truly unique Australian artist, this autobiographical album takes the audience on a spiritual journey through the pinnacles of Mau Power’s life and culture.

Mau Powers’s soulful, lyrical storytelling sent goosebumps down the audience’s spines. Accompanied by DJ J Funk and soul singer Shirley Davis, the performance as a whole was nothing but extraordinary. The audience consisted of lovers of traditional Indigenous music, and also hip hop, the two genres Power fuses together in his music. Mau Power has been storytelling through music for years, and he remains connected to his Thursday Island, Torres Strait roots.

Performing Freedom, which on the album features Archie Roach, was an overwhelming and soulful experience for all those surrounded by Power’s presence. This song, which is essentially an inspirational anthem, gives and creates feelings of hope, joy and ambition. The audience was left touched and surely went home on a high note after an unforgettable performance.

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