The show leaves a feeling that the entire performance is a series of in-jokes with her friends who aren’t even in the audience.
Despite what the routine title suggests, Madeleine Tucker's Olympik Phever isn't really connected much to the Olympics at all, which is fitting considering that would make the material a year old to begin with.
The idea to present her standup as a live television show with a few off-beat pre-recorded video fillers thrown in the mix gives the show a structure, but the very premise of this style is unforgiving if not presented perfectly.
And imperfect it is. There are moments oozing with potential, like the segment when she relays her 'very personal' life bucket-list using literal buckets, but it falls flat.
Most people agree that audience interaction isn't a great idea at the best of times, but Tucker takes it to a whole new level by throwing small sachets of sugar at her crowd, which is both uncomfortable and unnecessary.
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The show leaves a feeling that the entire performance is a series of in-jokes with her friends who aren't even in the audience.