"Josh Rennie-Hynes has backed up his debut album with another set of bittersweet Americana songs."
Queenslander Josh Rennie-Hynes has backed up his debut album with another set of bittersweet Americana songs. The sound is more assured and worldly, though sometimes lacking dynamics that could have elevated the songs into more emotionally, heavy-hitting territory.
The songs are filled with people and places from Rennie-Hynes' constant touring. As a result, he's mastered melancholia with a sympathetic and soulful folk and country musical backing. The songs do need some starkness and darkness amid the pleasant musings - though this is hinted at on the Ryan Adams-esque June 23rd. The counterpoint is the wonderful single Rosie - melodic folk with a pop ache to it. Even if it drifts by too easily at times, there's still plenty of impressive song-craft displayed on Furthermore.