An enjoyable two-track release from the Kentucky quartet.
Former Failing Forward and Elliot front man Chris Higdon is back, this time fronting the indie rock up and comers Frontier(s). Featuring a stellar line up of members of 90’s hardcore outfits Mouthpiece and Stay Gold, the group takes a firm step away from any hardcore background with this two-song effort entitled “The Plains”.
Released by one of the best midrange labels in punk and hardcore at the moment in No Sleep Records, this record has started to gain the band some much deserved attention, building bucket loads of hype for the band’s forthcoming debut album.
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Higdon hasn’t lost any of his vocal magic since his Elliot days, making it one of the most enjoyable aspects of the release. His voice really pushes and drives the songs, often at times it seems as if it controlling and directing the other instruments around it. During the final stages of “Radiomine” it is almost as if the instruments have taken the back seat to Higdon’s voice as he is pounding out the phrase “you will never forget”.
While Higdon’s voice is the most gripping aspect of the release, the other instruments also provide a vital role. The thumping bass line backed by the energetic drum work in “The Plains” is sure to get a few heads nodding along. The soaring guitar lines provided by the band’s guitarist Matt Wieder provide a full sound to the record, with the guitar tone working its magic and adding the finishing touches to the band’s sound.
With both songs clocking in at just over five minutes, neither of them appears to get boring or drag on at all, which is a testament to the band’s ability to craft an enjoyable track.
“The Plains” imposes a delightful first impression to a band that is worth giving a moment of your time to. The band’s debut album “There Will Be No Miracles Here” has just been released, and if this two-song teaser is any indication, the album will be turning even more heads. Support No Sleep Records.
1. The Plains
2. Radiomine