Another short burst of brilliance.
After the first Crosses EP was released last year and earned some extremely positive feedback from both fans and critics, the team of Deftones frontman Chino Moreno and Far guitarist Shaun Lopez, have picked up a little more steam. The duo have just released their second EP, one that fans must pay for this time around as opposed to the free release of the first one, as well as creating a live show which is currently touring America.
Crosses' music combines elements of both artists more well known projects with their other musical interests, mainly electronic ones, to create something new. Picking up where the first EP left off, the duo offer more of the same, which is completely fine since we have only been privy to six tracks prior to this release (EP one and a song on the 'Batman Arkham City Soundtrack').
Opening with Fron†iers, Moreno's vocals take more of a lead this time around, layering with plenty of bright harmonies. Musically this track moves from sparse, dark verses, to bright chorus lines with glimmers of hope. Dynamically the group have really stepped up for EP number two, obviously more comfortable with the song writing style they wish to maintain. It is also clear that the live element is somewhere in the back of their minds as the electronic effects and sounds are toned back a little, making way for sections that can be replicated a little easier in a live setting.
The first single released from the record, a song called Purien†, is a clear standout, using glittering synths and a catchy chorus hook, making it the Crosses version of a pop song. Moreno's vocal strengths are in full force backed by some of the finest drum sounds the group has ever used.
Things begin to sound like an M83, 80's dance influenced number with †elpa†hy, which drops back down into darker tones, in perfect contrast to the track before it. The slowest, saddest and softest song on the EP is the gentle †rophy, which begins to wind the EP down before the final song, 1987, ends things with a more experimental sound, still driven by Moreno's vocals, but heavily influenced by Nine Inch Nails.
Crosses are one of the more exciting new acts to appear in the last year or so, not hurt by the fact that the duo in charge were both well known and talented musicians prior to this project. With 'EP ††' the sound of the group is well and truly established so hopefully they have finished testing the waters with EPs, and will now focus on bringing out a full length record.
1. Fron†iers
2. Purien†
3. †elpa†hy
4. †rophy
5. 1987