A polarising act, Faceless channels detractors’ nay-saying, indicating that even the most needless shit-talking can inspire something constructive.
Four albums in, what type of band these Sydneysiders wants to be is gradually becoming clearer, but they evidently haven't completely zeroed in on it yet. Initially crafting Gothenburg-inspired heaviness, something of a creative about-face on 2012's Notorious, recalling the more melodic 'core of The Amity Affliction and their ilk.
This LP is readily identifiable as the same outfit that created its predecessor though, boasting shiny, gleaming hooks, clean singer/guitarist Richie Newman confidently providing vitriolic Splintered, Illuminate and Graves greater resonance. Having traded in the so-polished-it-was-blinding production of metallic maestro Fredrik Nordström for much-lauded Joey Sturgis, Faceless emanates a slick, punchy sound. A somewhat monotonous bludgeon reminiscent of deathcore knuckle-draggers Emmure is also afforded greater prominence. A welcome prospect for the pit ninjas, but it ensures an overplaying of their hand somewhat towards the record's conclusion. Hard-rock pseudo-ballad, Set Me On Fire is a curiosity piece; whether it's opening up further doors remains uncertain, although it's a tad ham-fisted. Revival's mosh-metal bounce and its “Scream so loud that you wake up the dead” rallying cry ought to be a nightly party-starter.
“Buried in Verona have a message for anyone that has ever doubted them; go fuck yourself,” the press release proclaims. A polarising act, Faceless channels detractors' nay-saying, indicating that even the most needless shit-talking can inspire something constructive. This reviewer may also be subjected to the middle-finger salute, but despite shortcomings, recent momentum and incessant touring suggests a few less cynics may be showing their faces after this drops.
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