The event this weekend for punters with axed Maitreya Fest tickets will not go ahead
The saga of Victoria's Maitreya Festival continues, with organisers today taking to their Facebook page to state they have not received approval for any further events at Lake Wooroonook. Organisers were due to hold an event this weekend for punters who had tickets to the axed Maitreya Festival 2016 event.
Organisers state, "It is with great sorrow that we have been unable to get approval from the Buloke Council for any more events at Lake Wooroonook, including the grand final weekend event.
"We hope that now the CEO and Mayor have succumb to public pressure and finally stepped down that this may change in the near future, but for now there is no change. This, and the financial outcomes of this years event, all lead to the hard truth that we may never be able to present you Maitreya Festival again."
In June, Maitreya Festival directors Lachlan Bell, Julius Webster and Sophie Oostermeyer were sued by their own ticketing company for missing funds, after the promoters announced they would not be refunding punters for their tickets to the March event.
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At the time, Maitreya Festival wrote, "We cant turn back time and give you back what might have been...but we do hold a deep belief that everything happens for a reason, even if that reason is really hard to understand or uncover in the short term."
The Grand Final Long Weekend event was an attempt to make amends with those who lost money on Maitreya tickets, with organisers stating, "We hope this event can go to re building trust within the Maitreya community, and assist the community of Wooroonook and Charlton with extra incomes that they so desperately need."