The last time that I went on to Pornhub was back on April 1st, 2016, when for just one day, the site became Cornhub. No, I'm not making this up.
Yes, you read that right.
The last time that I went on to Pornhub was back on April 1st, 2016, when for just one day, the site became Cornhub. No, I'm not making this up.
Last April's Fools - which was also my birthday no less - one of the internet's biggest and most used pornographic websites and directory for help in Fallout 4 turned into a website that oddly sexualised corn, cobs and kernels.
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[caption id="attachment_1090323" align="alignnone" width="760"] Yes, this is a real thing that happened.[/caption]
I bring this up because just last week Pornhub's gold and black icon appeared in my search history again as I went to see their exclusive premiere of the new Steel Panther single, 'Poontang Boomerang', from their upcoming album, 'Lower The Bar'.
As far as this new track goes, it's just balls to the wall Steel Panther, from Michael Starr's vocals and lyrics to Satchel's guitar riffs and tone to the overabundance of alcohol present - everything about it just oozes the band's usual over-sexualised glam rock sound.
As such, if you're a fan, this song/video are for you. If you're not a fan, this one really isn't for you.
“Steel Panther is the ultimate proprietor of glam metal music and with their carefully crafted songs, high energy performances, and a worldwide reach, Steel Panther couldn’t be a better fit in our Pornhub family,” said Corey Price, the Vice President of Pornhub.
Well, shit, at least they know their target audiences.
[caption id="attachment_1090324" align="alignnone" width="760"] 'Lower The Bar' is out March 24th.[/caption]
Yet the real irony here is that despite the lewd nature of Steel Panther's lyrics and their overall vibe, there is actually no nudity in this clip, something that the comments on the Pornhub premiere point out as well. Which is such a weird juxtaposition here, as right below this music video is a (w)hole host of nasty shots and nudity from the site's graphic clips that all waiting next-in-line to help get you off.
The only thing that really sticks out as NSFW for this clip are the lyrics detailing how you shouldn't fuck someone just for the sake of jumping their bones, the occasional dildo showing up, and the multiple half-naked women that dance around the band in the money "performance" shots of them playing.
Oh, but there is an adorably cute kitten that's featured in the video, which they've appropriately named Poontang. And yes, the "boomerang" part comes into play, both lyrically and literally.
Honestly, you'll see far more nudity going to one of their actual live shows than watching this clip. Unless you click on the suggested videos on the page or search your favourite kink. So for that, I am personally disappointed in you, Steel Panther.
You can watch the music video for 'Poontang Boomerang' on Pornhub here. Or just watch it below on YouTube. Your call, fam.