Paul Kelly Gets Adelaide Lane Named After Him

4 August 2022 | 5:03 pm | Dan Cribb

Paul Kelly is the fifth artist to have an Adelaide laneway named after him.

(Pics via Facebook)

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Aussie icon Paul Kelly has been honoured with a lane named after him in Adelaide.

Formerly known as Pilgrim Lane, Paul Kelly Lane is one of five CBD laneways recognising the contributions of renowned Adelaide-born musicians with strong links to the city and runs from Flinders Street to Pirie Street, behind the Adelaide Town Hall.

The unveiling is the latest in Adelaide’s City of Music Laneways Naming Project, with Kelly joining Sia, Cold Chisel, No Fixed Address and The Angels, all of whom have previously been honoured.

Each lane has accompanying artworks, with Kelly’s brought to life through the work of local artist Heidi Kenyon, who has created a series of light-based artworks.

The initiative was launched so that locals and visitors could learn more about the state’s rich music history, supporting artists and venues across the city in the process.

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Just last week Kelly released new themed compilation Rivers & Rain, the latest in a series of albums highlighting the threads running through his catalogue of songs.

“Water appears very often in my songs,” Kelly said of Rivers & Rain

“I live on Port Philip Bay and when I’m home I go down to the sea several times a week if I can. When I’m traveling and visiting new cities, I always look for the water, be it a river, a lake, a canal, the sea or a swimming pool. 

“If I were to make a compilation of all my ‘water’ songs the track list would be overflowing! So, for the second instalment in this series, I’ve decided to narrow the channel to Rivers and Rain. Songs to do with oceans and shores I’ll save for another time.”

For more info on where to find each lane, click here.