Just a friendly reminder that if you don't see Motion City Soundtrack live this week, you'll miss out on seeing them live forever.
Hey, this is just a friendly reminder that if you don't catch Motion City Soundtrack on tour this week, you probably won't see them play live ever again. Like, forever.
Presented by The Virtue Agency, Motion City Soundtrack's East Coast tour (appropriately titled 'So Long, Farewell tour') with With Confidence kicks off in Sydney this Thursday night at The Metro Theatre. If you have never seen the Minnesota band before, well now is the best and last time to see them in their element. Make sure you grab your tickets for this final tour here (especially for anyone for the Melbourne show, which apparently only has 50 tickets left, so you know, quick sticks).
Motion City Soundtrack announced that they were going on an indefinite hiatus last year after wrapping up their final touring cycle at the end of this year.
But after almost 20 years in the game, and with sixth albums released, MCS have had a lot of hits over the years. You can bet that songs like 'Everything Is Alright', 'This Is For Real', and 'The Future Freaks Me Out' will all be making appearances in their set. I mean, come on, they may be breaking up but they're not stupid! Also, expect newer jams like 'It's A Pleasure To Meet You' and 'Lose Control' from their final record, 'Panic Stations', to get honourable mentions as well.
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Now, in a perfect world, and by that I mean the world in which I have full control over, I would make Justin Pierre and co. play through what is easily their best release; 'I Am The Movie' with a second encore of 'Capital H' because it is utterly exquisite. Seriously, just listen to this record, it's so damn good!
Thursday, September 8th - The Metro Theatre, Sydney, AA
Friday, September 9th - Prince Bandroom, Melbourne, 18+
Saturday, September 10th - Max Watt's, Brisbane, 18+
Again, pick up your tickets for these farewell shows here.
Also, Noisey - MCS weren't a gateway band to good music; they already a good fucking band to begin with!