Fiona O’Loughin’s Comedian Daughter Missing But ‘OK’

16 October 2013 | 2:03 pm | Staff Writer

Young comedian Biddy O'Loughlin reported missing

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Biddy O'Loughlin, the daughter of prominent Australian comedian Fiona O'Loughlin, has made contact with her father after being registered as a missing person to Victorian Police on Monday.

O'Loughlin took to Twitter earlier today to make a plea for information of her daughter's whereabouts, but in the last hour has notified followers that Biddy, who is 25, had made contact.

“12 mins ago her Father received SMS from a pay phone to say that she was ok. Thank you 4 concern & RT's but still keen 2 know where she is” she wrote.

Biddy has followed her mother's footsteps into comedy and has performed solo in Ireland, where she studied.

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A police spokesperson has told Fairfax, “We have received a report that Biddy O'Loughlin has left home. Police have a number of inquiries to make in relation to this report and appeal for Biddy to come forward and let us know that she's okay.”


Fiona has since tweeted to confirm that Biddy has been found.