[adult swim] Launches In Australia

30 October 2013 | 11:48 am | Staff Writer

The brand brings Robot Chicken, Metalocalypse, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and more to Australia.



[adult swim], the number one basic cable network with young adults in the United States has today announced the launch of an Australian online service.

The online streaming service will showcase existing [adult swim] programs like Robot Chicken, Harvey BirdmanMetalocalypseThe Venture Bros and Aqua Team Hunger Force and will look to develop local content as well, starting with a series from Australian duo Superwog, who have developed a new series for the platform.

The service, run by Turner Broadcasting Asia Pacific in partnership with MCM Media and Movideo, can be experienced at adultswim.com.au and mobile devices using iOS, Android and Windows 8 PC and phone.

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