Adelaide Music Venues Safe For Now Following Massive Liquor Licence Review

30 September 2016 | 7:44 pm | Staff Writer

The state's first in two decades

It’s been two decades since South Australia has had a comprehensive liquor licencing review, and a recent undertaking will see the State Government reassess a number of elements — luckily venue lockouts are not at risk of changing anytime soon.

According to The Music Network, the report – conducted by former judge Tim Anderson – includes 129 recommendation, one of which being current lockout provisions of 3am “be retained for a further two or three years to allow for their effect to be assessed over a longer term.”

Other recommendations included restructuring the application process to be easier for venues, which follows a similar path of the state’s 90 Day Project, unveiled last month.

The State Government is also reportedly looking at an increased fee structure for applicants, depending on hours of operation, capacity and more; consulting with venue owners to settle on an appropriate fee.

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Small Bars in North Adelaide will have to wait two to three years before the Government reassess whether or not they should be eligible for the same relaxed licence inner city venues are able to obtain.