A Brand New Music Festival Is Being Launched As Part Of The 2019 Adelaide Fringe Season

13 February 2019 | 5:28 pm | Staff Writer

"The finest surf-rock acts this side of Hawaii."

More Electric Mary More Electric Mary

Surf-rock fans rejoice because a brand new rock'n'roll festival dubbed War Of The Surf & Rock Guitars is being launched as part of the 2019 Adelaide Fringe season. 

Converting Fort Glanville into The Fort Arena this 24 February, festival organiser Angela Brennan said she is "excited to launch this festival within a festival" which she described as "'60s Blanket Bingo meets '70s/'80s Coachella Rock festival".

"We want to reignite the fervour for guitar driven rock," Brennan said. 

The stacked line-up for the epic ten-hour event was curated by Sherree Newton who thinks there is "something in it for everyone". 

"It's solid partying material," Newton said. 

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Check out the full line-up below and scroll down to theGuide for all the details or follow the link here!

War Of The Surf & Rock Guitars 2019

Electric Mary

Gail Page

Chris Finnen

Tim Gaze 

Diva Demolition

Atomic Riot



Darcee Fox

Swinging Surf Sex Gods

Cosmic Bikini

Mac Johnson

The Masters Of Sin