"Four guys of wildly varying height and hairstyle playing some inspired rock 'n' roll."
Answered by: Mike Nutt, keys and BVs
Short description of your band and music: Four guys of wildly varying height and hairstyle playing some inspired rock'n'roll, with a light sprinkling of far-out sounds and esoteric samples throughout
Best WAM-related story? Played WAM's Saturday Spectacular a few years back on the swamp stage near the art gallery, tripped on cables and stacked it. Lucky that pond's only like, two feet deep...
What do you think separates the WA music scene apart from the rest of the country? About 2698 kilometres of Nullabor dirt. That and the superiority of Swan Draught as a performance-induced thirst quencher.
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What WA bands are you vibing on right and why? Jacob Diamond and his posse: killer set of musicians behind one seriously talented singer-songwriter, end result is some really unique, ethereal pop tunes. Also loving Ben Witt's new album. The Silents! Are they still a thing? They should be.
Why should people come and see you from amongst the many cool bands at WAM? We've been taking the band in a lot of crazy, even conflicting directions musically the past few months, en route to a sound that we hope is bigger and better than just the sum of its influences, and we think we might be getting there. Come judge for yourself - whether a long time listener or a fresh face, you might be surprised!
What's on the horizon for you? Currently cranking out a new single (self-produced, which is always exciting) EP to follow later next year and hopefully a jumbo XXL national tour to go with it.
WAM Festival performance: Courtyard Club, State Theatre Centre Courtyard, Friday 6 Nov.