Vices Party

15 November 2014 | 11:00 am | Pilerats
Originally Appeared In

We give you the lowdown on Beaufort Street Festival's big Kahuna; StreetX reveal their Top 5 Vices.. Are you a trendsetter? Are you a gogetter? Do you know better (but you do it anyway)? If the answer is yes to any of the above, then come and claim your spot at Vices, the tropical throw-down at Mt Lawley’s Astor Theatre this Saturday. Bad Vacation/Flamingos, Lab Six and Street X have all been on their grind putting this thing together. Vices will be a refreshing party microcosm in the Beaufort Street Festival party macrocosm, where dog shows, crochet bombs and 'live street art' reign supreme. Vices. Island vibes. Much island vibage. They’re going to transform the whole place into some type of South Pacific paradise. We're hoping all the trill boys will swap out their bucket hats for cute li’l sailor boating hats. SURELY all the trill girls will be wearing coconut bras made out of the shells of the coconuts that StreetX will be extracting coconut juice out of for their Pina Colada Bar.