Fresh outta NZ, Bakers Eddy are now living in Melbourne and not fkn around..
Say hello to Melbourne via land-of-the-long-white-cloud four-piece Bakers Eddy, fresh off the boat and straight into showing Australia how to rock and/or roll. After spending a few years mucking around in New Zealand, they made the move to Melbourne late last year, began working with Shihad drummer/producer Tom Larkin, and the rest is history, in the form of latest single Jack Shit For You. We dig it, and their vibe, immensely. Check out the track and a few questions with the band below that:
Tell us about about yourselves?
We started playing music together in our first year of high school to give ourselves something to do that wasn't skating and getting high. We pretty much learnt how to play by writing songs, three chorded, simple, fast as! Playing live has always been the cake for us, much like a drug. Ever since our first show we were fully in. The band is something we actually give a shit about. It's been a good few years and we havn't killed each other yet. We recently moved from Wellington NZ to Melbourne, found ourselves, happy as fuck!
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What kinda tunes we talkin’?
In ya face, fast, sweet, sour, sing-along, super! Something simple Simon, solid.
Writing process:
For our lastest project we wrote in bulk over a short period of time. 50 songs. Plenty of shit songs, reggae songs, Latin Disco, educational anthems and a few golden nuggets. There wasn't too much thinking going into them, which made it a pretty fun experience. From there we went into Studios In The City where we worked with producer Tom Larkin and engineer Jon Grace to wittle it down to an EP. It's the first time we really felt we had captured ourselves and that moment in time in our songs.
Can you tell us about your new single, Jack Shit For You?
Jack Shit... is kind of an end of the night song, trying it on perhaps, but you got too drunk and now you're just a piece of shit. We had just moved to Melbourne when we wrote it, so we were drinking lots and having a lot of fun, so the song is super simple and it's a bloody good time.
Any shows coming up?
Yes! Super excited to gig again. Playing Cherry Bar October 15, Whole Lotta Love Bar November 4, and Brunswick Hotel November 9. With more to come!
What’s the rest of the year have in store?
Gig gig gig! Release of our second single - If You See Kay in November, off our upcoming EP.
Where can we hear more of your music?
Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Deezer.
Stay hydrated. Fuck Trump.
Follow Bakers Eddy: FACEBOOK