Eves The Behavior Has "A Lot Of Time For Vogue"

8 September 2015 | 1:32 pm | Bryget Chrisfield

"I'm flattered that the fashion world likes me, 'cause I don't have a model figure."

Eves The Behavior aka Hannah Karydas has a sudden realisation that the current three-piece "formation" of her band have been playing together for "about a year now". The trio's first Australian show was "Groovin The Moo, Townsville last year". "We flew up to Townsville and stayed in my grandparents' house," Karydas shares, "[My grandparents] made us breakfast, they made us dinner — yeah, we were very well catered for." Karydas' grandparents even headed in to watch Eves The Behavior's festival set from "out the front" and then "left straight after", she recalls.

When Karydas sees audience members singing song lyrics back to her, she admits, "I'm floored by that every single time. I don't really understand how something that was just completely mine... now, you know, people know it and people like it and that's a great feeling, but it's just bizarre." Karydas even stumbled across "a fan account in Argentina". "I dunno how that got there, but I'm very thrilled and love whoever it is," she chuckles. "They actually just started following me on Twitter and it was called 'Eves The Behavior Argentina.'" On whether she's ever written fan letters, Karydas confesses, "A fan letter to Hilary Duff. I was 11." But these days it's all about Twitter. "If I find a new artist that I think is really, really awesome I just tweet at them, saying, 'You are amazing!'"

"It's just such a weird pocket of human relations. It's something I'm still really trying to get my head around."

"It's cool when they sort of start reaching back as well. Like, that's a very strange idea to me, is that I've never met this person and then all of a sudden I'm aware of their existence and they're aware of mine. And, I mean, it doesn't really go beyond that, but it's just such a weird pocket of human relations. It's something I'm still really trying to get my head around."

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A couple of weeks back, Eves The Behavior performed two songs at a Vogue event in Melbourne's Bourke Street mall on a Friday afternoon. "I don't think they expected [the smoke] to come out with such gusto," Karydas recalls. "I don't think they expected it to smell like it did. It just smelt like toxic chemicals, like, really strong and I was trying to kind of battle through it but, the minute any sort of smoke machine gets near, my vocal cords just close up straight away. So I had to turn around and sort of whack my chest and try and get some fresh air, and then I turn around and look and the whole audience were just kind of bowled over coughing."

Karydas has already featured in Vogue. "They did a music edition. That was really, really, really cool. That was such a nice experience, too. So I really have a lot of time for Vogue," she laughs. "That sounds so weird to say."

On collaborating with fashion brands, Karydas offers, "I think it's interesting 'cause, I mean, the best way to sell a brand is by selling a personality, right? I think the fact that the fashion industry is kind of taking artists into its realm now is a really good step... I'm flattered that the fashion world likes me, 'cause I don't have a model figure; you know, I'm not tall, haha. I'm mid-height and a very normal-looking person."