Location: Australia
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"This was all while Marcus weaved narratives with great weight and measure, seemingly beyond his years."
"This is an elegant, melancholy, pompous, brash entry in modern guitar music, and should be celebrated."
"No jury needed, the verdict is out. Le’aupepe is the most magnetic human on this earth."
"1950s time capsule escapee Leon Bridges joined him for a cracking gospel spanker and it was all just icing on a very rich cake."
The Sydney rockers have ridden the wave of hype behind the 'Rock And Roll Weakling' EP all the way to a label deal
The Sydney outfit will perform at two shows
Cold War Kids put on a sweaty, solid show in Sydney.
Spookyland resonate with the bleeding hearts of Boney.
Unpredictable set filled with jagged edges and softened beauty