Unpredictable set filled with jagged edges and softened beauty
There has been some serious buzz building lately around Sydney-bred outfit Spookyland, aka Marcus Gordon and the people who understand Marcus Gordon's insane brilliance well enough to help him translate his songs to a full-band setting.
It would be disingenuous to say they're likely to be everyone's cup of tea - nasal-vocal tolerance is a prerequisite for any kind of personal enjoyment - but those who are into it (which, honestly, is most of the folks in the packed-to-the-walls room) are super into it. For their part, the band make good on the promise they show so strongly on paper, especially on no-doubt well-honed recent breakthrough The Silly Fucking Thing, delivering a swaying, unpredictable set filled with jagged edges and softened beauty, and even if one were to walk in here knowing nothing of them beforehand, at the very least they would walk back out knowing what it is to be impressed.