Album Review: Vampire Weekend - Father Of The Bride

2 May 2019 | 9:15 am | James d'Apice

"It stands as an example of how great art should make you feel."

More Vampire Weekend More Vampire Weekend

Are Vampire Weekend the greatest? Maybe not. But maybe so? Few artists – collectives or otherwise, musicians or otherwise – seize and retain our attention as effectively as these children of the Rotten Apple. Then there’s the consistency. At their strongest, Vampire Weekend is the most compelling (ie broad) and insightful (ie deep) band out. To combine breadth and depth is some trick. But to do it as reliably as Koenig’s clan? That’s some feat.

Harmony Hall is the most obvious example here. It is a complete gem. Both loud and quiet; accessible and meaningful; rhythmic and melodic – it is everything. It is already an Important Song. Hold You Now opens the record – a moving, unexpected triumph. 2021 is a minute-and-a-half story made utterly unforgettable by a little guitar noodling – heartbreaking and singular. This Life is how nostalgia is supposed to feel; we are happy for the experience, and heartbroken that it’s over.

This record is incredible, yes. It is also more than that. It is an artistic touchstone. It stands as an example of how great art should make you feel, of the line between accessibility and profundity. Listen in to this, right now. You will leave changed.