Album Review: Urthboy - Live At The City Recital Hall

9 December 2013 | 4:21 pm | James d'Apice

This is as close as we can get to capturing the majesty of our host playing live without actually being there.

More Urthboy More Urthboy

For those who first saw the bombastic, self-conscious frontman of rap crew Explanetary in 1998, the idea that he would one day become one of Australia's most accomplished live performers might have seemed a bit of a stretch. In 2013 an Urthboy live show is an experience of a different kind. It's at once immediate and immersive; familiar and otherworldly. Jane Tyrell's calm, measured presence makes a neat counterpoint to Urthboy's enthusiasm.
With a live album, the question always needs to be asked: why? Rap music relies on hours upon hours of careful honing and refining. The fuzz, buzz, sound and fury of a live show works great for a guitar-bass-drums pop band, but when we hear a rapper live we tend to get the songs we like, just clumsier. With the live recording we get here, and on Orphan Rocker most notably, Urthboy's magic is certainly diluted a little. Why an Urthboy live album then? The chemistry with Tyrell at the end of Shruggin' is one reason. Letters From Jamshed and the haunting Hey Dianne are two more. But this not a “best of” setlist. Oddly, this record is taken from a support set, rather than an Urthboy headline show.
So, why? Well, in short, this is as close as we can get to capturing the majesty of our host playing live without actually being there. And even though most of your favourite songs are absent, carrying an Urthboy show around in your pocket is a pretty appealing proposition.