Tommy Little: Good Talk

23 May 2017 | 3:25 pm | Aneta Grulichova

"It didn't sound good or look pretty as he went through the step by step of how he got his ass served to him on a platter."

More Tommy Little More Tommy Little

Tommy Little had tongues wagging, his witty sexual jokes and boxing expeditions filling the theatre with laughter. His hilarious audience interactions with the front row included a male IT student from Hamilton Hill, spread and ready for the show, and an American man who was in Australia to be with his student girlfriend.

At one point, Little positioned himself in the "going down south to Tasmania" position (as he called it) and the audience couldn't contain their laughter as he explained how his ex-girlfriend had a delightful mid-coital snooze, earning him the "Head To Bed Tommy" nickname. The visual storytelling didn't stop there and his "sexy rat" impression got a few females losing it — presumably they know the type well. His sexual experiences and jokes are what kept the crowd laughing the most —  his dick pic story got a good laugh from the audience, some even wiping away a tear or two.

Little also regaled us with his MMA fail. After a few boxercise classes, Little thought he would be able to take on a former MMA fighter in the ring for fun. It didn't sound good or look pretty as he went through the step by step of how he got his ass served to him on a platter.

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Good Talk deserved a four-star Uber rating, and we walked out alive and smiling from ear to ear.