Album Review: The Weather Station - Loyalty

10 June 2015 | 3:51 pm | Tyler McLoughlan

"'Loyalty' will be one of 2015’s well-loved releases."

More The Weather Station More The Weather Station

Tamara Lindeman’s third album is one of those old-fashioned, pure-at-heart folk records one must listen closely to lest a rousing metaphor be missed, or the uncomplicated flow largely bereft of studio trickery be mistaken as artless.

The Canadian is unhurried with her gentle vocal delivery full of character insights and effortlessly charming and clever. The spritely cadence of I Mined may mistakenly seem a song of hope, yet it’s wonderfully miserable: “My slow heart wanted only what was endless — to be helpless.Loyalty will be one of 2015’s well-loved releases.