Album Review: The Veils - Swimming With The Crocodiles

7 September 2017 | 11:18 am | Ross Clelland

"A take on Bowie's 'Where Are We Now?' mourns respectfully, while last album's title track 'Total Depravity' becomes a piano study as night falls."

More The Veils More The Veils

Although each album has seen the NZ-via-UK combo become more jagged and visceral, this EP is more about their haunted and haunting balladry.

Unplugged recordings from a couple of across-the-ditch locations including Neil Finn's Roundhead Studios, Finn Andrews emotes while the band add often-disconcerting textures. A take on Bowie's Where Are We Now? mourns respectfully, while their last album's title track Total Depravity becomes a piano study as night falls. A handy sampler if you've just discovered them via their recent Twin Peaks cameo, perhaps go back to the stunning Nux Vomica or Sun Gangs albums if you're after a more complete picture.