A bizarre mix of musicianship, comedic timing and repressed sexuality, the Kransky Sisters deserve every accolade they’ve ever received.
After a brief slide show taken from the trio's travels, the dour-looking Kransky Sisters glide onto the stage. Looking the epitome of severe, eldest sister Mourne, the hapless Eve and long-suffering doormat Dawn take us on a musical journey that filters pop and rock classics through a tuba, old-reed keyboard, acoustic guitar and musical saw.
Scanning the crowd with a flashlight, Mourne and Eve go forth and drag two gents up on to the stage to help celebrate Dawn's birthday. Now donned in identical black wigs, white blouses and black skirts (a la the sisters) the men are encouraged to mimic the Kransky's tambourine moves with hilarious results.
Abba, Pink Floyd and surprisingly enough Beyonce all get the special treatment, with a certain Queen number going down an absolute storm. A bizarre mix of musicianship, comedic timing and repressed sexuality, the Kransky Sisters deserve every accolade they've ever received.