Album Review: Steve Gunn - Eyes On The Lines

27 May 2016 | 11:37 am | Chris Familton

"...a rewardingly immersive and freewheeling guitar rock record."

More Steve Gunn More Steve Gunn

At the forefront of the loose scene of guitar adventurists that include Cian Nugent, Ryley Walker and Chris Forsyth, Steve Gunn is another who has figured out how to expand his sound to a full band and incorporate his lazy psych-rock vocals.

The touchstones of Richard Lloyd and Tom Verlaine (Television) are obvious in the sparkling, spiralling guitar phrasings while on tracks such as Nature Driver Gunn finds an organic seam that echoes rural England more than downtown New York. Those divergent paths make for a rewardingly immersive and freewheeling guitar-rock record that continues to reveal itself on repeated listens.