"A painstakingly crafted and well-loved piece of work."
Shaun The Sheep: The Movie follows Shaun and company on an adventure into The Big City, after a mishap results in the Farmer crashing into the city streets on a runaway caravan and losing his memory in the process. As in the television series, there’s no spoken dialogue, so silent comedy and slapstick humour blend together effortlessly to provide little and big kids alike with laughs aplenty. The film’s claymation iteration of present-day England is surreal, charming and self-aware in a way that reflects the enormous amount of work that goes into such a picture, giving you the notion of a painstakingly crafted and well-loved piece of work.
The journey to find the Farmer and bring him home safely is filled with endearing, silly capers that little ones will love. Shaun The Sheep: The Movie also provides that special kind of unanticipated laughter for the adults in the audience, the type that can only come from subtle, slightly adult references being slipped into a children’s movie. While the film may not be as adult-friendly as its predecessor Wallace And Gromit, it certainly isn’t falling far behind. Shaun The Sheep: The Movie may also not be free of the label of “slightly formulaic family movie”, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a fun ride.