Live Review: Per Purpose, Pop Singles, Knee Chin, Nite Fields

21 August 2012 | 9:35 am | Bradley Armstrong

With the amount of people jammed into Black Bear Lodge and the Valley in general tonight for the Ekka holiday eve, it's clear that the people are choosing hangovers as opposed to influenza on Peoples Day.

Kicking off tonight's chunky bill, Nite Fields play to a solid crowd on one of their last shows for a while. The group are tight with their art-rock and dark electronica resonating around the venue. Come Down appears early and is one of the highlights of the night, with its reverb-drenched clockwork rhythm. Apart from the occasional sound problem, the set goes down a treat and is a great kick start ot proceedings.

Wasting no time – they're launching their latest 7” Melting Upwards tonight – Knee Chin tear up the stage with the three-piece pumping up the volume and thrashing their guitars wildly. The interplay between vocalists Mark Zian and Aiden Reid Hilcher works really well and the two clearly put their all into the performance, really rounding out a solid set of jangly alternative pop.

Venturing up from Melbourne to launch their LP All Gone, Pop Singles do feel like the pop band of the night with their music feeling a tad more upbeat and structured compared to the rest of the bill. They're damn tight though, and great to watch. Again, the odd sound problem pops up here and there and the overall tone feels like it could benefit from a second guitar, but in the end the band put on a great show that could have just as easily wrapped up a great night. 

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Capping off a massive slog of dates launching their 7” Warburton, Per Purpose make their triumphant return to Brisbane to finish the tour on a high. The band deserves the mounting praise they've earned, as their live show is not only tight but simply enjoyable. Frontman Glenn Schenau hurls around the room with his guitar, yet always finds his way back to the front to give the hair-covered microphone a good lashing. The group draws on new and old, managing to sound brash and confronting but able to fall back on traditional hooks and simply good songwriting, whilst keeping an Australian vibe about everything. The great set feels over too early despite lasting its length and then some, but is undoubtedly a great conclusion to the night.

All in all, the coupling of Black Bear Lodge and indie record label Bedroom Sucks has once again succeeded and excelled in making a memorable night for the Brisbane music scene, with a great selection of bands from near and afar within one of our city's best venues and crowds.