Luke Million has returned with a rad remix of Moullinex's 'Deja Vu'.
I love it when great artists return from a quiet patch with heaps of new material. It's like having a new season of your favourite television show return to air after being quiet for a year (yes, I'm looking at you Game Of Thrones). LUKE MILLION has been one of those great artists that did vanish for a short time, but is now back with a new remix and we couldn't be happier.
LUKE MILLION and his disco melodies have taken over so many festivals such as Splendour In The Grass, Spin Off, River Sessions and two of the festivals that have unfortunately become defunct this year, Parklife and Pyramid Rock.
The man has been gearing up to release a new EP and of course tweaked this track we have here. 'Deja Vu' by MOULLINEX is a very upbeat track, it's infectious rhythms will have you dancing for hours on end when placed on repeat and LUKE MILLION has listened, loved, and added in a bit of disco flavour.
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The synths have become a lot more nostalgic, the beat even catchier than it was before and honestly, it's a genuine LUKE MILLION remix. It's become what we love about his work with the extra hit of a MOULLINEX frame. Together it really works so we of course can now listen to our heart's content!
Now as for that EP I mentioned earlier, LUKE MILLION will be releasing a new collection of tracks called Midnight Galaxy on September 24. It'll be our spring soundtrack, carrying us into the hot summer months ahead.
Words by Lauren Payne