Her punch lines are delivered in quantity, but by far, the highlight is her uproarious instagram parody of Nelly Furtardo’s Turn Off The Light.
JMAC's Live Vicariously is true to its title. Thematically, it's loosely built around a bucket list, as Justine McInerney recalls anecdotes of sexual escapades, travel adventures and online encounters. Her show is raw and fast paced, full of crass innuendos and probably one too many vagina jokes. There are plenty of pop culture references as she pokes fun of Facebook users, makes tired jokes about fixed gear bikes and tells an arousing story of skydiving whilst strapped to a Mexican man. There are also plenty of slow burning puns. She tells of walk on rolls in Neighbours, visiting New York to retrace Macaulay Culkin's movements and meeting Mariah Carey in a hotel lobby. Her punch lines are delivered in quantity, but by far, the highlight is her uproarious instagram parody of Nelly Furtardo's Turn Off The Light. Positioned halfway through the set, everything afterwards is just an extra.