Album Review: Horror My Friend - Home Life

19 September 2018 | 9:09 am | Taylor Marshall

"Horror My Friend are capable of anything."

More Horror My Friend More Horror My Friend

Adelaide’s Horror My Friend have pulled all the right strings in new album Home Life. Opening heavy with a brief solo and a strained roar from Tom Gordon in Pavement, and an unexpectedly powerful overdub of fuzz in Ultraviolet, the trio have set themselves apart from previous work while still maintaining their distinct, hard-punching sound.

Throwing the album in a new direction, Heavy Eyelids is almost reminiscent of '90s slacker rock, and accompanied by Blank Out, the album tells an audible story of different moods – especially when jumping back into a crazy place with Rattled Bones.

Wedding proves Horror My Friend are capable of anything, whether it’s crowd captivating performances or an absolute mastery over the recording process. Within Milky, the quick changes from overdriven fuzz pedals and big smashes on the cymbals are impressive enough to blow apart eardrums.

Closing off the album with DIYS shows that through and through, Horror My Friend are proud and capable enough to put on an amazingly powerful record. Anything better would be pure perfection. An artwork is almost an understatement for this album.

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