Gillian Cosgriff: So Far So Good (MICF)

16 April 2018 | 9:08 am | Joe Dolan

"Everything a crowd could possibly want in an hour of musical comedy, and so much more."

Gillian Cosgriff has been a comedian for the majority of her 20s, and whether the rest of the world thinks she deserves it or not, she's taking a victory lap. (Don't worry, she definitely does).

So Far So Good is a rollicking retrospective of Cosgriff's comic canon. Of the almost unfair number of strings to her bow (singing, dancing, acting, piano, improv, the list goes on...) the comedy ranks bloody high. For nearly a decade, the Melbourne performer has carved a distinct notch into the world of cabaret, making audiences around the country as jealous of her immense talent as they are entertained by it.

Cosgriff has an energy that is palpably infectious. Grinning with genuine pleasure throughout, she takes her audience on a journey through her past comedy shows, providing a greatest hits of song and gags. There's no need for a step or push to get the crowd on her side, they're on board from the moment she graces the stage. Making up a song about an audience member while performing the prepared material at the same time is really just showing off at this point, but who cares when it's so good?

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Cosgriff is more natural than an armpit hair in a fairtrade smoothie, and So Far So Good is a testament to her experience as a performer. It's everything a crowd could possibly want in an hour of musical comedy, and so much more.

Gillian Cosgriff presents So Far So Good until 22 Apr at Melbourne Town Hall, part of the 2018 Melbourne International Comedy Festival.