Album Review: Firearms - We Are... Firearms

1 March 2013 | 9:29 am | Justine Keating

We Are... Firearms clocks up a mere 27 minutes or so, but Firearms have loaded this fleeting time with plenty of punch and made sure there’s not a dull moment on the record.

They've actively existed as part of the Sydney punk scene for something like two years now, and after all this time Firearms have finally released their debut album, We Are... Firearms. The wait was well worth it; the final product is a collection of short rock'n'roll and '80s hardcore rippers that are drenched with attitude.

Things kick off with an explosive force in Now You're Gone. An assembly of hoarse vocals shout “I'm feeling good now it's done” over the top of a dirty Southern-sounding guitar. The track doesn't skip out on raw power. In true punk style, it's over as soon as it begins, and if you're not paying attention, the transition into Make You Pay can slip by nearly unnoticed. It's just as short, fast and loud as its precursor with that same infectious hard rocking.

The vocals have a helluva lot of chutzpah, and although this is prevalent all through the record, the sassier fifth track, I Want You, sees this audacity recognised and increased tenfold. The vocals are embraced, predominately sitting on top of the mix as opposed to their usual home nestled within the raucous blend of instrumentation. Things come to a fitting close, going out on a rowdy note with the album's finale, Party. It's at this point that the similarity to All Hallows-era AFI becomes noticeable.

We Are... Firearms clocks up a mere 27 minutes or so, but Firearms have loaded this fleeting time with plenty of punch and made sure there's not a dull moment on the record.

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