Album Review: Far Away Stables - Atlantis

11 August 2014 | 1:41 pm | Stephanie Tell

This Sydney quintet don’t bring anything new to this constantly revisited sound

More Far Away Stables More Far Away Stables

Stuttered guitar chords, stale quiet-to-loud progression and drawn-out, affecting bridges are funnelled blandly through overly polished production on Atlantis. Unashamedly relying upon predictable rock structures, these five angst-ridden tracks are manufactured for the sanitised, pop-punk conveyor belt. For instance, What Are You Waiting For? captures an especially ‘anthemic’ youth flavour, while the epic Doing Better flaunts the phoney, highly strung emotion of a rock musical. Despite their wormy melodies, this Sydney quintet don’t bring anything new to this constantly revisited sound (which will no doubt appeal to many).