Divorced from boring "scene" traits.
The local music scene, particularly the heavier genre, is well populated at the moment. Now, depending on your accepted philosophical approach this is either a good or bad thing. The glass half-full listeners will assert with greater quantity inevitably comes greater quality. The pessimists, or perhaps just those with cautious ears, will attest there’s already too much of the same derivative and excessively mundane music circulating – same music, merely different name. While acknowledging that some bands will always strive to become popular before they become any good, there are (thankfully) still some bands that write music for its intended purpose – to have fun. Melbourne’s Exposed comfortably fit with the latter.
Having ditched the Griever moniker for a slightly re-branded name, the Melbournians are re-energised and drip with a healthy dose of musical sincerity on their new EP. This six-track, self-titled offering isn’t reinventing the wheel and it certainly isn’t a foreign sound, but the charm is in the ways it remains relatable. The production is gritty and dynamic and the tracks pierce with darker intent. This isn’t a pretty facade; it’s heavy music played accordingly – both raw and fast.
You can tell the boys listen to a lot of Nails and All Pigs Die, but the metallic hardcore sounds seem closer aligned with bands like Xibalba and those beatdown artists. ‘Bone Orchard’ is a pretty standard opening (this is not intended as a bad thing) and serves its purpose. The guitar harmonies in the middle section provide contrast. Subsequent track ‘Live. Die. Rot’ was the perfect pick of the bunch to accompany the name change announcement previously. It takes the best bits of this contemporary metal/hardcore hybrid and throws it into a tasty musical melting pot. It’s hard-hitting, with thrash inspired solos, and the collective refrains at the end are equal parts aggressive and retaining.
The EP doesn’t deviate too much to focus on one select style over another. A metal passage is followed by a hardcore section and vice versa. ‘Agonizer’ is dense, while ‘Poisoned Youth’ is a sombre interlude, almost like the type of track Cult Leader would include in their track lists. ‘Misery Guts’ finishes the EP like it started. Imposing, if nothing else.
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Exposed are another local band that is producing solid music and yet the current recognition, unfortunately, probably doesn’t reflect this. Let’s hope the EP remedies this disparity. Plus, money from copies of the EP, purchased via Bandcamp, is donated to the Bali Dog Adoption Rehabilitation Centre, so everyone wins.
Six-tracks is a neat and satisfactory sample size for Exposed going forward. A new name but same intent, the locals have delivered a decent EP. It's not without fault, but very few releases can claim to be, so no harm.
1. Bone Orchard
2. Live. Die. Rot
3. Bad Trip (Ft. Paul Williams)
4. Agonizer
5. Poisoned Youth
6. Misery Guts